Planning your wedding…
Planning a wedding is sometimes a stressful time — especially when trying to find music for your ceremony, dinner and reception. Now you have an alternative to contracting DJs, multiple musicians and vocalists. David is capable of handling all of your musical needs.

Meeting with David at his office…
During your meeting, David will help you plan out the ceremony and music selections. He will play for you songs that are not present on his website. He may be able to learn a new song for you providing there is enough time and assuming the song works for guitar. Just email a YouTube or MP3 of the song prior to your meeting.
If you are not in the local area, David is available through Skype or FaceTime but this is no substitution for a live meeting.
What song will the Bride want to make her entrance to???
Over the years 70% of the couples David has met tell him the one song they do not want for the bride is the Wedding March. Here is what he shares with them:
We have all attended many wedding where the bridesmaids make their entrance and the guests are busy talking and miss this part of the ceremony. Sometimes they will even miss the bride’s entrance since there is nothing to get their attention.
David's solution to this is to stop his prelude 5 minutes before the bridesmaids are ready to come down the aisle. Usually guests will listen to the music when they first arrive but then engage in conversations losing touch with what is going on. When he stops playing they don’t notice but when he starts playing it gets their attention and is a trigger that the wedding is about to start.
There is a song that every guest, young and old, will know when they hear it, when the bride makes her entrance. That song is the Wedding March. It carries an emotional element that no other song would convey. It is David's own arrangement - unique for guitar. It does not sound “big” like a church organ. It’s intimate and simplistic. 95% of the couples that think they don’t want it will change their minds. Take a moment to listen to it before you decide:
The Wedding March
Things you should find out about the ceremony site
Many outdoor wedding sites do not have AC power. Make sure you find out the AC power locations and distance from the front where the ceremony will be held. David has an alternative solution if they don’t have power using a “noise free power generator” for his PA system for amplification of his guitars the officiant and bride and groom.
Most sites do not have a PA system and if they do… they are seldom good enough for music amplification. David uses all Bose sound equipment for a transparent look and the best sound possible.

David is on the preferred vendor list of many of the premier locations he's performed at:
Bentley Reserve, San Francisco -
Berkeley Botanica Gardens (Redwood Grove), Berkely
Bogle Vinyards, Clarksburg
Byington Winery, Los Gatos
Casa Real Winery at Rubby Hill, Livermore -
Chateau La Cresta, Saratoga
Clos laChance Winery, San Martin -
Coconut Grove, Santa Cruz
Dolce Hayes Mansion, San Jose
Dunsmuir Eshhtate, Oakland
Hakone Gardens, Saratoga
Historic Del Monte Building, Sunnyvale -
Holbrook Palmer Park, Atherton
Kohl Mansion - Burlingame
Los Altos Golf & Country Club, Los Altos Hills
Mark Hopkins Intercontinental Hotel, San Francisco
Mission Ranch, Carmel -
Mission San Antonia de Padua, Fort Hunter Legget
Mountain Winery, Saratoga -
Nestldown, Los Gatos -
Old St. Hilary’s, Tiburon
Omni Hotel, San Francisco
Palm Event Center, Pleasanton -
Riverhouse, Ben Lomond -
Rose Garden, San Jose
San Jose Athletic Club, San Jose
Santa Clara Mission, Santa Clara -
Saratoga Country Club, Saratoga
Savannah Chanel Vineyards, Saratoga
Sequoia Retreat Center, Ben Lomond -
Still Water Cove Ranch, Mendocino
Testarossa Winery, Los Gatos -
The Decathlon Club, Santa Clara
The Quaker Center, Ben Lomond -
Villa Montalvo, Los Gatos -
Wente Vineyards, Livermore -
Willowheights, Morgan Hill